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Apr 1, 2015

How to Network and Get What You Want Online

I’ve never met Madie Hodges, but I like her already.

As the Community Manager for Kabbage (which I’d never heard of until she introduced herself), she’d found my blog on the internet and reached out to suggest a topic for my posts: “How can entrepreneurs use their tax refund to grow their business? What items do you think they should put on their shopping list? Coaching and consulting?” (This is where she got my full attention.)

I’m more interested in analyzing how to connect virtually than in promoting Kabbage, but am happy to mention them as the catalyst to this message. It’s juicier and more interesting a subject. Don’t you think?

What did Madie do to get my attention?

  • She addressed me by name vs. Madam, which believe it or not, happens frequently.
  • She said, “you seem to really understand what it takes for businesses to succeed” – Flattery. It works. I received a similar pitch from a website that helps people in their career advancement and was asked to post about job interviews. Not my realm. Helping small business owners succeed is.
  • She introduced herself concisely and with a specific request: “I thought a fun twist would be using a tax refund to jump-start growth.”
  • She made an offer, if I were interested, to send more ideas.

I responded immediately that I would write something and mention Kabbage. A few days went by, and I had not posted yet. Madie followed up with a gentle reminder and encouragement: “Do you have a posting date in mind? I’d love to put it in my calendar so I don’t miss it. I can’t wait to read what you put together.” Note the positive, warm messaging.

My intentions were so good, but writing about what to do with your tax returns doesn’t fly to the top of my to-do list. This morning, in my inbox, was this message: “Wink, nudge, giggle. Hope you had some fun while out of town!” I had let her know I’d be in Texas for a few days and would write the piece when I returned. I want to please someone who shows this much interest and takes actions to make something happen.

I hope you’ve gleaned as much about social media networking here as about how to use your hopefully large tax return to grow your company.

If you’d like more help in that department, go to Kabbage. If they hired Madie, they know what they’re doing.

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