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Sep 5, 2016

Ready to Begin a New “Semester?”

Jane leading mastermindHow many times have you moved that to-do on your list, catalog clipping, or invitation to deal with at another time?

With the hurricane-like weather prediction and lots of catching up to do after a really delightful time with family, I cleared my desk today, barreling through those choice points, and got going on what feels like a new term as we enter September.

Reading through the multiple catalogs and offers I’ve received recently, one in particular caught my eye. It’s a 4-week course on Breaking Free from Clutter, which I’ve successfully done. What I loved about the course description was this quote from Andrew J. Mellen:

Clutter is nothing more than deferred decisions.

While I don’t teach organizing skills, I do help women to achieve their goals through the power and magic of the Mastermind experience, a concept dreamed up by Napoleon Hill nearly a century ago. Group accountability combined with dynamic coaching is a powerful combination for those success-minded women who enroll. If you’d like to stop deferring the decisions that will lead you toward your vision, please join me in September – in New York City or Fairfield County, CT – to be part of my newly forming groups.

Ready to lead a retreat, get out your book proposal, update your online image or something that’s been on your list for months or years? Whatever you decide you want to achieve by the end of 2016, I can promise you a successful outcome, a new cohort and revitalized energy.

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  1. Mary Ellroy

    “Clutter is nothing more than deferred decisions.” That just opened my eyes.

  2. janepollak

    @Mary – I know! Shocking, right? He nailed it.


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