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Jun 22, 2017

How to Decide

There was a 3-hour appoint-free window in the middle of my Tuesday this week. An earlier meeting at 102nd and Broadway ended at just after 11:30am. The next one wouldn’t be until 3:45pm down in Chelsea, the West 20’s.

     I’ve secured space at the Writers Room for just such occasions–a midtown workspace to settle into between gigs so I’m not reliant on Starbucks or NYPL hours. I have the choice to travel all the way home to 187th, or hang downtown and possibly write on 8th Street.
     If I were still in CT with this dilemma, three hours to spend between locations, I would simply put my packages in the backseat of my car, recline my seat and work on my laptop. But as an official New Yorker (it’ll be 5 years come October!), I now carry my day’s worth of necessities on my shoulder.
     I had made purchases I didn’t feel like schlepping to the theatre that night, new air conditioners to order and a recipe I had bought the ingredients for to try out with my new Vitamix. Which way should I go?
     Did you catch the keyword? When the choice is between should and could, I voted for could. I should be editing. I should be closer to tonight’s destination. I should be the responsible business owner always producing.
     But…a friend of mine passed away unexpectedly over the weekend. She was just two years older than I. Life’s brevity is front and center today. What’s wrong with following the pleasure instinct in the moment?
     Next time you have the choice between could and should, consider whose voice is really dictating your decision. You may be surprised that it isn’t yours and you don’t have to listen.
     The Vitamix Mexican Green Soup recipe was delicious.

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  1. Rosalea

    Happy almost birthday.

    • Jane Pollak

      @Rosalea – Thank you for this, and for raising the kind of daughter who would send me THE cutest image of Ukrainian Easter egg cookies on my birthday!! Love you!


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