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Sep 5, 2018

The Remarkable Mama Gena

The Incomparable Regena Thomashauer

Since last December, I’ve been telling every woman I know about my experience with Mama Gena (MG). I now have the opportunity to share her brilliance with you. But first a bit of background for those of you I haven’t personally mentioned her to.

Late last year, after over 20 years of resistance, I signed up for the Mama Gena Experience. A good friend, Nancy Moon, has been raving about this goddess for decades. Nancy lives an inspired life, much of it the result of her years in Mama Gena’s classes. Given Moon’s powerful example and MG’s reasonable introductory offer, I still told my closest advisors that although I’d signed up, I was going to sit near the rear of the large auditorium. That I’d probably slip out before the lunch break.

My wise mentor, who knows of Mama Gena’s work, reminded me that her message is about the empowerment of pleasure, nothing to be afraid of. “Commit,” she suggested. “Sit in front.”

One thing I’ll brag about (Mama Gena is big on bragging) is that I listen to my chosen guides. I couldn’t get a seat right in the front, but I was in the first row of my section. I arrived at 9:45am – it began at 10 – and told myself I’d give it an hour. Fifteen minutes in, I was hooked.

Mama Gena – Regena Thomashauer – is a force of nature, a leader for women and a presence in front of 2500 women that I’d never before experienced. She held us in the palm of her hand for the entire day. She is the embodiment of all she teaches.

I’m posting this now because I recently received her offer for this year’s Experience and the ability to form a group who can be seated together. Please click this link to read about the December 2018 programming. If it speaks to you, here are the instructions for you to be in my group:

If you have friends who are interested in attending our upcoming intro event, you can send them directly to our online registration form for new women! Make sure they complete the form using their own unique email address and contact information.

As soon as you get your confirmation, let me know so I can reserve our seats. It’ll be most fun that way. Plus, I want all of you eager to take this journey to meet each other. Bragging again, one of my super-powers is connecting amazing women. I hope to see you there!

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