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Sep 2, 2021

My Most Difficult Client

Let me describe her to you.

She would like my constant attention and feedback. She needs more reassurance and affirmation than our thrice monthly commitment allows. Even though I preach otherwise, she regularly compares herself to the competition and comes up short. And, she expects me to be at her beck and call regardless of the fact that I coach her pro bono.

I’m not one to name names. All my client relationships are confidential, but you’ve probably already guessed who this PIA customer is. ME!!

Ever since I started Jane Pollak Designs nine months ago, I’ve required my own full-time life and business coach. I’ve been at this career since 2002, but with my new company in its infancy, I’ve had to draw deeply on my own resources and remind myself that there’s a start-up in progress and to ask myself the most powerful question of all: What do I really want?

My response, when I get past the current hysteria du jour, is: exactly what I have.

I only get in trouble when I compare myself in any way–income, quality of product, public awareness. Yes, there are plenty of artists who make more money. Multitudes create work that makes me envious. Those with thousands of followers on Instagram turn my eyes green.

But, if I remember to stay in the day, the quality of my life is as good as it gets.

  • I love the materials I work with.
  • Cutting into a felted sweater, I remember the grand time I had in Wilkes Barre selecting pieces from Therese Inverso’s large collection wools.
  • Sifting through the jars of buttons Tom & Liz bought for me at a flea market fills me with tactile and spiritual pleasure.
  • Hearing from a former client about an auction she thinks I should donate to touches my heart.
  • Composing colored circles in a way that pleases my eye offers endless satisfaction.

I love the variety in my life of creating AND coaching. I’m coming up to 20 years in the coaching industry, and attract clients who have maturity and a desire to achieve someting in their lives that feels out of reach. Watching these women attain their visions is as satisfying an existence as I can imagine.

I’m starting a couple of new groups this month. The Monday one is half full already. If what you want fits this description, I’d love to work with you.

My mission: Inspiring others, particularly women, to no longer apologize for who they are, their appetites and their desire to express themselves.









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