– Jane

· · · Jane’s Thread · · ·
One of my gurus
Terri Lonier and I became friends while in the National Speakers Association and have continued our relationship as our own entrepreneurial businesses have grown and changed. She sends out a terrific weekly educational segment I highly recommend: Working Solo...
Believers and Non-Believers
It may be possible to divide the world into those who do and don't believe in The Secret. Starting with my marriage, we fall into the two different camps. I believe that if you can conceive and believe it--it being anything you want in your life, you can achieve...
Stick with the plan!
I scheduled a 30-minute slot on my calendar at 11am today to go to the Westport Public Library, visit the Reading Room where they have all the local newspapers and research how each one does its calendar listing. I'm promoting an event on July 17th that will lead...
Would you open this envelope?
It's often hard for entrepreneurs to toot their own horns. So when a client of mine created a mailing to go out to 100 clients and prospects, she ran out of steam after creating a terrific marketing letter, having it printed on beautiful, nice quality paper stock...
Unscheduled Networking
Every month I put several networking events on the calendar as part of my marketing plan. When I show up around women entrepreneurs 3-4 times per month, inevitably business transpires--a new client, sign-ups for my newsletter and blog, etc. So, I always have...
Doubt Your Doubts
I spoke at the Greater Hartford Women's Conference in late May and stayed to hear the lunch speaker, Marcia Wieder who identifies herself as America's Dream Coach. She subscribes to the same belief that I do that if you can dream it and believe it, you can manifest...
Podcast: Jane’s Story
For those of you who've never heard my story, I was recently interviewed by Liz Kopyscinski who hosts a great program for women entrepreneurs. To listen to the podcast: www.belraycommunity.com/radio/belray-radio.html Click on the yellow button to get the list of...
Susan Keane Baker on burnout
Susan Keane Baker and I have been friends and colleagues for over 10 years. She's in a completely different industry--health care--so our paths would never have crossed, but for our mutual passion for speaking professionally about what we love. We met through the...
Re-connecting with Laura Newman
Laura Newman of Laura Newman PR called to get together with me last week. She'd heard me speak several years ago and wanted to let me know about her new business launch. What came up during our conversation is something that happens all the time with the small...
Role Model – Susan Jacques
I recently had the privilege of hearing Susan Jacques tell her story at the Women's Jewelry Association event called Women In The Know held at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC, NY). She's the President and CEO of Borsheim's a world-renowned jewelry store...
Heard Stew Leonard, Jr. Speak
I live 2 miles from the World's Largest Dairy Store (according to Ripley's Believe It or Not)--Stew Leonard's. I had the privilege of hearing Stew, Jr. address my Entrepreneurial Woman's Network (EWN) meeting on April 24. Totally inspiring. His message was: how do...
Asking for what you want
I received the best speaker gift I've ever gotten when I presented for the Women's Jewelry Association last March--elegant personalized stationery. One hitch though. They spelled my name incorrectly: JANE POLLACK. I considered tossing the box away and saying, "Oh,...
Lisa’s Business Cards
Lisa Quirk is a brilliant surface design artist re-entering the market now that her kids are older. She wanted to create a business card to bring to networking events, but wasn't entirely ready to invest in a full identity package. I suggested she cut up business...
Bumper Sticker Wisdom
On my morning walk recently I saw a fancy sports car in a neighbor's driveway. Its bumper sticker said: The older I get, the faster I was. I filter pretty much everything I see, hear and do through the senses of an entrepreneur so I thought about how that applied...