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My Form of E – Thank You, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

I read the obituary for Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi this morning and recalled how influential his book, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience was for me when I read it in the early 90s. The Times article linked to his 2004 TED talk which I also watched today. It...

This Is Not Goodbye

I'm not going away, entrepreneurially speaking, but I am shifting where my energy is being directed these days. If you've been following me, and I know what an amazingly loyal readership I've been privileged to address since 2008, you've read about my baby...

My Most Difficult Client

Let me describe her to you. She would like my constant attention and feedback. She needs more reassurance and affirmation than our thrice monthly commitment allows. Even though I preach otherwise, she regularly compares herself to the competition and comes up...

Client Testimonial for My Custom Throw Pillows

How easy is it for you to ask for help? In my experience, it used to be a deal-breaker. I'd rather struggle along solo than risk rejection. What I've come to understand is that I am able move on from rejection, and still be okay. But more important, when I do...

Self-Promotion Makes Me Want to…

How did you fill in the blank? Sing and dance? Run and hide? My gut response, appropriately, is puke. I didn't want that word choice in the headline, but believed that you'd click to find out more. I'm learning how to write catchy subject lines, so thank you for...

Need to Learn Clubhouse? Meet Tollisha Joseph!

I had the extraordinary privilege of connecting with Tollisha Joseph not once, but twice yesterday. There aren't many Saturdays (the rain helps) where I'm moved to blog, but after an infusion of The Official Glue, Tollisha's alias, I had to share! I'd attended a...

The Magical Art of Networking

Of the over 100 actions I've taken to build my new business this past year, eleven of them revolved around networking. When you see the word networking, does it conjure up name tags, handshakes and fake smiles? I used to think that way, but it has become a favorite...

Did You Know It’s Star Wars Day?

I participate in Caveday.org, an online study group, that starts off each 'cave' with a theme. Today's was a celebration of Star Wars. I drew a blank until the leader said, "It's May 4th, Star Wars Day. 'May the fourth be with you.'" Having seen one of the...

Teeny-Tiny Quality of Life Changes

At the end of my shower this morning I was reminded of a small change I made in my routine years ago. I had complained to whomever, "Don't you just hate it when you finish luxuriating in a warm shower, then rip open the curtain, step out, grab a towel and freeze?"...

Know What an FFT Is?

If you're a Brené Brown fan, it's likely you do know. If not, how did you feel reading the title of this post? My typical thought pattern would be something like this: Who wants to learn ANOTHER acronym? No, and I don't really care! Well, if _______ is talking...

Do You Need to Know That NOW?

Years ago I was invited to address a group of out-placed executives who were considering entrepreneurship. I was the resident expert that day and was joined, in our circle, by a professor of entrepreneurship from a nearby university. One of the attendees asked how...

Baby Steps Reminder

If you're anything like me, you've got a juicy list of to-do's for 2021. And, if you're like me, you already feel behind. Aagh! Sorry about that contagious not-quite-good-enough gene. Sorry about mentioning contagion in the current environment... This is a reminder...

Pillow Talk – Perfecting the Product

My Etsy shop opened a few weeks ago, and I've already quadrupled my prices. Considering the time and aesthetics that go into each design, I know that my pillows will have to be bought as art, not home dec. They bring beauty and style to any room they grace and are...

Home (Not Quite) Alone

While we're all staying close to home or totally self-quarantined, there's a sense of aloneness. Many of us, however, have an unkind Board of Directors in our heads. I am compelled to offer three suggestions to combat those voices and/or a sense of isolation. Using...

Scarlett’s Web(site) Suggestion

I wrote about my skepticism over an idea Scarlett, my image consultant, made when I showed her my new artist's page back in July. She said something like, "It would be very cool if you could duplicate those images with current ones of your penny rug designs and you...