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Procrastination, Anyone?

I committed to my goal buddy that I would do a run-through of my 2/1 coaching lesson for my upcoming Soul Proprietor Community by tomorrow morning at 9am when we check in with each other. Since making that commitment yesterday, I have filed my tax returns, ordered...

What’s Your Process? Here’s Mine.

When you get a great idea, how do YOU begin executing? It's been a long time coming, but I realize that I do have a process that may seem cumbersome to the onlooker, but it works for me as I distill down from the lightbulb moment to 'opening day.' I'd like to share...

Wishing Vs. Doing – The Lisa Corrado Way

There are so many things I love about working with my Mastermind Intensive women business owners. We met all day last Friday, and the excitement in the room was electric. We've been together for 4 months now. Since each meeting starts off with goals met, the...

“We Are All Artists Now” – Seth Godin

When you put an intention out into the Universe, look out! This year, starting February 1, I intend to lead a community of women entrepreneurs in a movement of my own creation. I set this intention last month. At a Christmas Eve party shortly after I'd made this...

Who I Saw in 2017

My Remarkable Women's Network Come As You'll Be event in Westport last week was a real hit. I want to acknowledge the dozens of courageous women who attended, in costume, for taking a look into the unknown and staking a claim for themselves. As attendees...

You Do Not Want to Miss This!

I've done my homework; created a new vision board to inspire me over the next few years. Here are some teasers to give you a taste of where I'm heading. Anna Deveare Smith, Diana Nyad and Queen Elizabeth are each on my wall now. In addition, I cut out and mounted...

Claiming My Future

My move to NYC has vaguely resembled my first birth experience. Before my eldest was born, I threw myself into a study of pregnancy, the birth process and breastfeeding via reading, enrolling in Lamaze classes and attending La Leche League meetings. I was...

Proof That Manifesting Your Vision Works

A few years back at a meeting with friends and colleagues, one woman mentioned that she had to be careful what she envisioned.  She referred to herself as a “master manifester” and said that sometimes it frightened her how quickly she manifested exactly what she...

I Knew It Back Then

As I've accelerated my decluttering, downsizing phase, I came across a book that I was featured in published by La Leche League in 1984 entitled Of Cradles & Careers by Kaye Lowman. I was combining motherhood and career by running a community-based arts program...

Jane’s Tiffany and Target Mastermind Groups

My father, who was in retail for most of his career, wrote a book called the Savvy Shopper. He had been a department store executive and knew the ins and outs of how to get the best price on anything. My siblings and I still rib each other when asking how much...

You Know What They Say About Pedestals

I have, scratch that, had a big problem with idolizing and idealizing people, particularly women in business whom I envied and/or emulated. I placed them on a very high pedestal and spent a lot of time worshipping them and trying to be like them. That's a formula...

Work/Life Balance – The Myth

"There is no work/life balance the way it's portrayed," were the opening words of relationship expert and author Dr. Patty Ann Tublin, the third speaker in the Insights from Entrepreneurs series presented at the Westport Library last night. I had arrived early to...

Cindy Ratzlaff Sees Me!

I feel like Sally Fields accepting her Oscar. I've just been acknowledged by an 'institution' I admire--Cindy Ratzlaff @BrandYou. I've been following Cindy on twitter for a few weeks now, spent time with each of the videos she sends out, and done the assignment she...

Susan Beallor-Snyder Manifests Her Vision

  Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, famously said, "What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." This is exactly what Susan Beallor-Snyder has done--achieved her vision. Susan and I have been working together over the course of several...