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My Form of E – Thank You, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

I read the obituary for Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi this morning and recalled how influential his book, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience was for me when I read it in the early 90s. The Times article linked to his 2004 TED talk which I also watched today. It...

Whose Attention Would You Love to Have?

Social media has made 'influencers' more accessible than ever. Yet there is still an intimidation factor I witness in myself and my clients. It can feel scary to approach the Lin-Manuel Miranda's and Arianna Huffington's of our era. My antidote to getting overly...

Thank You, Nancy Moon!

Every month I invite an expert to address my Mastermind Intensive. Yesterday, Nancy Moon of MoonPR joined us and generously filled us in on how to get press in new day and age--through traditional and new media. She took an overwhelming topic and distilled it down...