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Start-up Business

Networking – Savannah Style

I spent the early part of this week visiting my good friend Meredith Gray at her new bungalow in Savannah. We invited a fellow Savannah-ite to join us for breakfast Tuesday morning at the Sentient Bean. Carlette Cormier and I had met in 2003--I as a speaker,...

Doug, of Melissa and Doug, Inspires Entrepreneurs

I attended a stellar event last night at the Westport Library, the first in a two-part series called "Creating and Growing Businesses that Thrive." Doug Bernstein, of Melissa and Doug fame, was interviewed by NPR reporter Alison Freeland in front of a packed house...

What Do Your Voices Say?

One of the most telling comments I've remembered over the years regarding 'the voices' we (all) hear in our heads was the speaker who suggested to skeptics, "You know...the voices. Like the one speaking to you right now saying you don't have any voices in your...

Partnering with Gail Doby. Join me!

I'm truly looking forward to my JV (Joint Venture) call tomorrow evening with Gail Doby. I was referred to Gail by Victoria Lyon who I met at a SHE-E-O luncheon created by Carolina Fernandez, who I met as a referral through Gene D'Agostino many years ago. Have I...

Boundary Setting 101

"Unless you're bleeding, don't come in for the next hour," I would tell my daughter Laura back in my home office/egg decorating days. That was my inelegant way of establishing privacy and quiet time for my work. I didn't have better tools back then and blush at how...

Thank God for Professionals

Please, someone, anyone, remind me that I'm a smart person. Because I'm surely not feeling it lately. There's something about tax time that raises my self-doubt to the tipping point. (Or maybe it was the addition of a rough stomach virus that had me considering...

Networking 101

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting Geri Stengel, founder and owner of Ventureneer. Marc Halpert served as our connector. I love how these things happen. I saw Marc at the New York Times Crossword Puzzle Contest at the Westport Library on February 3. I...

Katie Gave It Her Best Shot

At last night's mastermind group, during the first round of sharing successes, photographer Katie Settel took her turn with pride and delight. Her goal had been to photograph Beyonce's new baby. We all supported the dream she had laid out in session 1 (this was our...

5% on Education

Since my 2011 business year ended nicely in the black, I worked hard in December to invest some of my earnings back into my company by enrolling in courses for the upcoming year. One of my business gurus, Brian Tracy, uses the figure 5% of income as the target...

Behind the Scenes

"The marathon's the parade," my friend Doreen once said about the actual running of the 26.2 mile race. You've done all the hard work, trained, sweated, ached and pained. The day of the event is a celebration--a parade. "You don't change anything. You show up and...

I Can’t Wait to See You!

I've got three great offerings coming up this fall, and I'm really excited to share them here first. My final Remarkable Women's Network event for 2011 is Wednesday, October 5 from 5:30-7:30pm at Troy Fine Art in Southport, CT. The focus that evening is Come As...

A Pricing Aha

I just heard a useful piece of information regarding pricing. The age-old question is: How much should I charge? It doesn't matter if it's a piece of jewelry or a coaching service. The quandary of how to price your goods or services is a perennial challenge. I have...

Overheard at a Gremlin Tea Party

I invited two of my clients to let their gremlins have full rein at the beginning of our group's call. They each had a minute to let loose, and they did a beautiful job. My purpose was to allow the negativity to have its head, and then excuse it from the premises. ...

What Do You Notice?

A colleague of mine who'd studied journalism taught me a quote she'd learned in her school days. Their mantra was, "Notice what you notice." In fact, I call my bi-weekly newsletter The Noticer. This hit home for me yesterday in three quick observations. Yesterday I...

A Magical Evening at Drew Lamm’s

"I suck at advertising," was one of Drew Lamm's opening lines last night to the group of assembled women. I could tell this was going to be a special event by the energy outside her purple front door. Women were pulling their cars onto Drew's quaint, narrow street...