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I'm sure this finds many of you digging out from under, bailing out your basements or, like I was earlier today, searching for power and a shower. The Westport Public Library was closed. I got hopeful when I saw many folks spread out on the stone picnic tables with...

The Generosity of Michael Kors

I'm not a pop culture fiend, but have found myself immersed (albeit delinquently) in Project Runway. As an ardent patron of the public library system, I recently found dvd's of the first four seasons of that show. I know I'm light years behind those in the know. I...

Anticipation Rewarded

An unexpected package arrived at my door today...from a floral company. The return label revealed nothing about the sender. For a few glorious minutes I wracked my brain for who might be sending me a bouquet. My birthday is next week (July 4 for anyone who wants to...

Fearless Fridays – Kim Beaumont’s Vision

When we first met many years ago, Kim's children were small and in school, but even then she held a vision in her heart, and it was huge. There were a lot of nay-sayers in her midst ("You could never do that here!" types), but Kim began building her community right...

Rehearsal Dinner

I had the distinct honor and privilege of dining with esteemed members of Moffly Media as well as my co-panelists for the upcoming 4th Annual Women in Business event at Dolce in Norwalk. The theme is Entrepreneurship. I met Michele Ross of Letarte Swimwear, Kendra...

Getting Ready for Tonight

I'm excited to be hosting my 17th Remarkable Women's Network event this evening at Alfya's Skin Care Salon in New Canaan. I met Alfya when she was a Master Aesthetician at Noelle, the Day Spa in Stamford. In Alfya's trusted hands, I was transported from mom,...

Will You Wait Till Dawn?

One of my clients is in that long, dark hallway that seems to lengthen and dim as a huge deadline draws near. She has been relentlessly working toward her vision. Opening day is soon. Her gremlins have formed choruses and are serenading her hourly. "She" is...

Do You Know Your Life’s Purpose? Harriette Does!

During the final session of my winter Mastermind Group, I had participants close their eyes as I read three visualizations. We then debriefed each woman's to establish a Life Purpose statement. Here's what happened with Harriette Trevino, co-owner of Bull's Head...

Another Vision Becoming A Reality

Leigh Scott attended my Create Your Own Future retreat three year ago this month. During that event, we had a Come As You'll Be activity projecting forward five years from the present. That night Leigh presented herself as the successful author of a book on...

Welcome Frustration

It's hard to believe that something as uncomfortable and aggravating as frustration could actually be a good thing. But, consider this: frustration may be the indicator that you're about to learn something new. It's one of my least favorite feelings, but as a...

Can You Say “I Don’t Know”?

I'm not a regular reader of the sports page, but a baseball column by Red Smith caught my eye one day many years ago. Touted as "the game's greatest writer on the game's greatest years" Red Smith wrote in the article that after thirty years reporting on the sport...

An Interesting Twist on the Delegating Issue

We as business owners all know that the way to capitalize on our resources is to spend our time doing the tasks we do best and delegating the rest. When I was new and young in my business I did it all: data entry (handwriting names on 3x5 cards), producing the...

What Laura Learned

My younger daughter Laura, to whom my book Soul Proprietor is dedicated, helped me out this week by listening to the soon-to-be-released audio version of the book. Line by line, she read the text while listening to the recording I'd spent the last couple of months...

I’m Encouraged to Air a Beef

I'm just back from a stimulating conference in Waltham, MA put on by the National Speakers Association-New England Chapter. The opening keynote speaker was David Meerman Scott, author of The New Rules of Marketing and PR. His talk emphasized doing things in "real...

Quite a Challenge from my SCORE Counselor

I won't mention any names, as I don't want to incriminate my wonderful and helpful counselor from SCORE. But, we were talking about the new edition of my book yesterday, and he said, "If you sell 600 copies you'll be lucky." I was incredulous. I immediately...