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Katie Settel

Too Quick to Judge

Before I begin, simply writing the word 'judge' brought a lump to my throat since the recent death of a woman I admired greatly, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It is an enormous loss, and I mourn her passing. When my fabulous wardrobe stylist, Scarlett...

Who Gets New Head Shots During a Pandemic?

Me! I had a photo shoot with the remarkable Katie Settel this week. I had author shots taken a year ago, but wanted to update my website, social media and marketing offers with a fresh look. The past collection was no longer speaking to me, plus I've added 'artist'...

What’s Your Dollhouse?

Katie Settel, a long-time client, called me this morning wanting to start a movement. She is passionate about helping children during this crisis. She's come up with the idea, the organization to sponsor it, and guidelines for contribution. She wanted my help...

A Small Good Thing Courtesy of Katie Settel

Raymond Carver's short story, A Small Good Thing, has given special meaning to that phrase. In his narrative, a tragedy occurs for a young family. But, in the midst of their sadness, a moment of caring soothes their spirits. During this quarantine, many small good...

Time to Celebrate?

It didn't take Lisa Corrado long to decide that being in business for 10 years was worthy of celebration. Her Mastermind Group urged her to nail down a date and get the invitation out to her happy clients and supporters. Selfishly, we all wanted to party with Lisa....

My Favorite Shots by Katie Settel

Here are my favorites from my beach shoot with Katie Settel last week. Would love your feedback! I'm going to update my facebook and twitter accounts and wanted more current (and more flattering) images. What do you...