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Breakfast with David Gergen at the WBDC Event

There were 500 attendees to hear David Gergen speak yesterday morning at the WBDC's Business Breakfast entitled: Power, Politics & Purse Strings (giving it the female slant). Besides great networking, the spirit of the room and the opportunity to re-connect...

Big Girl Words

I have happily enrolled in a course offered by the WBDC which began this past Saturday. It's an opportunity for me to focus on my business and grow myself, a service I continually offer others without always giving myself the time and focus to stay current with my...

Information or Education?

I was interviewed on Jim Blasingame's Small Business Advocate show this morning. The topic: how to stay educated as an entrepreneur. I chose that theme, because when I was in California over Christmas, my brother caught me up short with this challenge. "What new...

Here’s A PR Idea for You

I had the pleasure of speaking for WBDC last night to aspiring, emerging and seasoned business owners. When sharing my success with the press, which was a piece of cake during my egg decorating days, the question arose: What if you're in a service business? How do...

How Do I Love WBDC?

Let me count the ways. Yesterday was the WBDC (newly renamed Women's Business Development Council) AM Business Breakfast attended by over 350 men and women. I'm still basking in the glow of the positive energy and vibrancy I received from being there. First,...

My Prison Experience

The drive to the Danbury Federal Correction Institution and the facility itself were surprisingly attractive, if you could look past the sea of barbed wire and fencing all around. I was there last Friday and felt a little bit nervous upon arrival. We were screened...

Dr. Candy Brush – Babson College

I had the most amazing opportunity this morning! As Speaker Chair for the upcoming WBDC Breakfast, I got to connect our stellar interviewer, Becky Surran, with our featured guest, Dr. Candida Brush, Division Chair in Entrepreneurship at Babson College, via phone...

Doing What I Love

I had the opportunity to speak for WBDC Thursday night, November 13. My daughter Laura joined me and took photos (as seen here). My talk consisted of lessons learned during my 30+ years as an entrepreneur mostly the difficult way, by failing first and doing it...

Faith Middleton on Behalf of WBDC

Last night I attended another outstanding WBDC event in Stamford featuring Faith Middleton who has become an ardent supporter of their mission to help women entrepreneurs. Her talk focused on WBDC's success stories--women who had started and are thriving in...

Denyse Schmidt

I've been a fan of Denyse Schmidt's quilts, artistry and community commitment since I met her many years ago. I was sent by the WBDC (Women's Business Development Center--then AWED--American Women's Economic Development Corp.) to serve as a mentor. Within 20...